I’m going to take a break from blogging tomorrow to be with my family. Before I do, here are a few tips for handling your turkey at dinner and when you’re putting it away for leftovers:
- When you take the turkey out of the oven, if it is stuffed, immediately remove the stuffing from the inside of the bird and put it in a bowl to serve it.
- Put cooked turkey (or other cooked meat) in the refrigerator within 2 hours of taking it out of the oven. If you carve the turkey and then have a leisurely dinner, put the turkey away soon after you serve it. Don’t let the meat sit out while you linger over dessert.
- Cut the turkey off the bone, or at least take any uneaten wings and legs off the main part of the bird, when you store the pieces.
- Wrap leftovers in airtight plastic wrap or foil or store them in airtight containers before refrigerating or freezing them.
For more tips, check out these Foodsafety and USDA pages.
Enjoy your holiday dinner and those with whom you will share it. If you have a job and are lucky enough to have a holiday dinner, consider making a donation today to a foodbank or another organization that serves those less fortunate.
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