Need last minute Valentine’s gift ideas? I’ve got you covered.
Right now the web is bursting with Valentine’s Day offerings. They range from recipes for Valentine-themed food (if you have the time to cook) to presents you can purchase (if you have access to a store or online site). But what if you have little time to cook and no way to buy or send a present?
All hope is not lost. I’ve taken a non-scientific poll and determined what you already knew deep down in the recesses of your gift-giving soul – it’s not what you give, it’s what you mean when you give it and how you make your Valentine feel special.
I’m not going to get mushy here, I’ll let you do that (if you choose to do so) in the gesture you choose to make. And I’m not just talking about romantic partners. After all, a Valentine can be a parent, child, friend or even yourself. Or better yet, how about multiple Valentines? I’ve never met anyone generous with their love who ran out when they wanted to give more.
Great Last Minute Valentine’s Gift Ideas
For those who need a little help, I’ve simply compiled a short list of ways to say “I love you”:
- Write a note. For goodness sakes, don’t simply sign a card. Make it personal and from the heart.
- A gift certificate that isn’t mass-produced. Provide a personalized, handwritten gift certificate for something your loved one would really like, whether it is a night out, a manicure, or simply an agreement that you will do the dishes for a week without complaining that it’s not your turn.
- A good deed. Make that special someone’s life nicer in some small way. Maybe fix something for her or him that you’ve been meaning to put right for months. Or you could replace a worn-out household item that she or he uses constantly. It’s all about showing that you’ve noticed what she or he could use or would enjoy.
- A gift in her/his/their name. Give an online gift to a charity that you wouldn’t give to ordinarily, but that is one your Valentine cares about.
- A special meal. Make a simple dinner, and serve it with elegance. A nicely laid-out table and a candle or two (anchored on plates if you don’t have candlesticks), will get you big points.
A few other ideas from past posts that are easy to find or make:
- Simple items made into Valentine’s Day gifts
- Chocolate mousse (I called it chocolate pudding in the post. But in an elegant presentation it’s sublime.) Or instead of the easy and healthy version, try this one.
- Valentine’s Day Raspberry “Poke Cake” cupcakes. You could even buy cupcakes and poke them with the simple, 4-ingredient sauce.
- Homemade marshmallows. Maybe even cut them into fun letters or shapes (hearts anyone?)
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and everyone you love. By the way, the beautiful plate pictured at the top of this post was made by Lanie Cecula, a much beloved friend.
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