This is a tale about how my love of chocolate and my desire never to throw out leftovers joined forces to create a new cookie. Once upon a time, I went crazy with my newest cookbook, Dessert University, and made a 3-layer Italian meringue cake with chocolate ganache icing. I’ve had several disastrous attempts to use a pastry bag before, but I never let a few disasters stop me. This time I was successful and celebrated with a huge helping when dessert time came.
Anyway, at the end of the cake making, I had a container of chocolate icing left over. The icing, basically melted chocolate chips and whipping cream, would normally have gone into a plastic container in my refrigerator, unlabeled and unused. Weeks later, I might have come upon it while hunting for something else. At that point, I wouldn’t have a clue when I had made it – or perhaps even what it was – and would have pitched it into the trash. (Of course, if I realized it was chocolate, I would have checked to make sure no one was looking and then eaten it with a spoon while standing up next to the refrigerator.) But this was no ordinary day – I had a brainstorm and decided to use the leftover icing right away. Note to self – try to have more such brainstorms.
I shouldn’t have cookies sitting around in my pantry, but I do. And for the last few months, the cookies of choice have been tiny gingersnaps. They are delicious, and I can eat just a few at a time, with relatively little (caloric) damage. The only thing wrong with gingersnaps is that they do not contain chocolate. You can see where I’m going, right?
Ginger and chocolate are a great combination. With the gingersnaps at the ready and the icing still smooth and spreadable, I went to work. Quickly, I took out a small knife and my container of cookies, grabbed a plate and set to work. Here’s the result.
I call them my not-quite-homemade, but-still-divine cookies. I made about a dozen with the leftover icing and they were gone in a New York minute! The only directions you need to know involve melting chocolate.
Someday I may make the cookies from scratch and try to up the ante on this delightful concept. But for the foreseeable future, all I need are my handy chocolate chips, a pan to melt them in, the ever-present container of gingersnaps, and about 5 minutes of spare time.
rv says
YUM! Both look delish. The cookies are very inventive.
motherwouldknow says
Thanks. The cookies were gobbled up (and not all by me), so I'll make them again as soon as I get some more gingersnaps.