Have you noticed that blood oranges are in season? Their sweet but tangy, not-quite-like-regular-orange taste is an alluring change from that of “regular” oranges. And subbed for navel oranges in one of my favorite no-bake fruit desserts they provide a delightful, new taste – blood oranges in simple syrup.
I’ve experimented with blood oranges before, using them in vinaigrette dressing, and substituting them for navels in fennel and orange salad. This time, I used them to adapt one of my favorite quick fruit desserts, oranges-in-simple-syrup. The result is both exotic and delicious. I began with the same basic recipe – oranges soaked in simple syrup with very finely sliced candied peel.
If you’re in a hurry, skip the peel and just make a simple syrup, which takes less than 10 minutes. The recipe is no-bake, so all it takes if you don’t make the candied peel is the time it takes you to peel and cut oranges and make the simple syrup. Then it sits on the counter while you eat dinner, waiting patiently for its turn at center stage at dessert time.
The fist time I blogged about the oranges-in-simple-syrup recipe, I used a combination of navels and clementines. This time, I substituted four small blood oranges for the clementines and used a bit of blood orange rind, along with the rind of one of the navel oranges. The result is beautiful, with the blood and navel oranges providing a color contrast that doesn’t happen with all navels or a mix of navels and clementines.
The syrup is a bit less sweet than if the oranges are all navels or navels and clementines. I like that change,, especially because I am serving it with chocolate-walnut tartlets, my riff on the gorgeous chocolate walnut cookies that my pal Susan Bradley posted earlier this week.
This blood oranges in simple syrup dessert was going to be a surprise for my pal Rachel, who loves both chocolate and oranges-in-simple-syrup. Oh well, I’ve never been good at keeping secrets, especially when they involve dessert. Happy Friday!
What’s your favorite way to use blood oranges?
Kristen says
I love blood oranges. My kids think they are totally weird and leave them alone….more for me! I love the idea of a syrup made from them. I bet it’s wonderful.
motherwouldknow says
Kristen, how about making a batch with both and serving your kids only the navels, but with the blood orange syrup? I’ll bet they’ll slurp up the syrup. (With blood oranges, the syrup looks almost pink or light red/orange, rather than the light orange of syrup made with "regular" oranges and it tastes just a bit less sweet.)
Sheena @ Tea and Biscuits says
That sounds like a wonderful idea! My husband eats oranges every day and blood oranges are his favorite, they are not always available in our grocery stores though.
motherwouldknow says
Sheena, There is a season for blood oranges – in the winter, at least in the mid-Atlantic (US). This is such a simple dessert – every time I make it I wonder why I don’t make it more often.
Kacey @ The Cookie Writer says
I have never been a fan of oranges, but blood oranges have fascinated me. Especially paired with chocolate, I think the blood orange flavour really comes through.
motherwouldknow says
Kacey, I’m a huge fan of almost all types of oranges, but blood oranges are really special. And you’re right about chocolate – it really brings out the subtle blood orange flavor in a pairing.
Stephanie Louise says
We absolutely love blood oranges around here- I haven’t used them much in cooking so I need to!
motherwouldknow says
I just discovered blood oranges a few years ago Stephanie and have been in love with them ever since – such an unusual and amazing flavor!
Linda @ Food Huntress says
Blood Oranges make this so beautiful and it’s simple!
Dee Dee (My Midlife Kitchen) says
I am on a "citrus in everything possible" kick right now, and this will fit perfectly into that scheme! 🙂 Thanks for a reminder to grab some blood oranges on my next grocery trip.
Joanie @ ZagLeft says
I absolutely love blood oranges but haven’t cooked much with them, I mostly add them to salads. I love the idea of pairing them with chocolate, I’ll have to try that.
motherwouldknow says
Joanie, Blood oranges are such a treat, plain or "dressed up." Thanks for stopping by.
susan // the wimpy vegetarian says
This is a wonderful way to have blood oranges – simple and delicious. I’ve usually just sliced them up for a quinoa salad.
motherwouldknow says
Susan, Hope you’ll try this simple way to dress them up.