What’s your favorite weird use for a food (ingredient)?
Mine is the tech miracle of drying out a wet iPhone in a bag of rice.
Here’s another one, from my daughter Eleanor. Next week, I’ll give you 3 more weird uses for a total of 5. Do you have other weird uses of food I should include on the list? If so, leave me a comment here or on the MotherWouldKnow facebook page, or tweet it to me with the hashtag #WeirdFoodUses.
Eleanor wrote this guestpost during her recent visit at Passover and so began her explanation with a quote from Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann of Mishkan Chicago,
“Passover is about letting go old habits, comforts and crutches, and stepping into the unknown, wide open expanse of possibility.”
I did this in the simplest way: I stopped shampooing my hair. Wait, you what?! I’ll say it again. Over a month ago, I stopped using shampoo and conditioner in my hair, cold turkey. I’m not alone. It’s called “no poo” (no, it’s NOT a guide to constipation). Google “no poo” and you’ll come up with over 25 million results of instruction videos, blog posts, and articles about this alternative method of washing hair without commercial shampoo. The version I use includes two mixtures: baking soda in warm water and apple cider vinegar in warm water.
Why do this? Because commercial shampoos strip the scalp of natural chemicals and make the scalp overproduce sebum, which nourishes hair, but when over-produced, makes it greasy. And it saves money! For years, I’ve been self conscious about my hair, and after doing some research and talking with my friend Natalie (who doesn’t use any product except for olive oil in her hair) I was convinced to give it a go. I started out only rinsing my hair with water for a week and a half. Although this was painful to look at, I even managed to go to my work’s annual fundraiser after this period and still look great!
Then, I transitioned to the two mixtures I mentioned. I’ve been doing those for the past three weeks. One size does not fit all, so I suggest that if you are interested in this, you check out some groups including The No ‘Poo Livejournal Group and Crunchy Betty. Do your own research. Read about other people’s experiences and create your own. It’s amazing how few products we need to put in our hair in order to keep it beautiful and healthy!
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